Department of Mechanical Engineering

Journal Articles
Conference / In Proceedings
Books / Chapters

Dr Balaji N

Professor Industrail Engineering and Optimization... View Profile

Dr Soundararajan R

Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Ramamoorthi R

Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Balasubramanian K

Professor Metallurgy, welding, composite materials... View Profile

Dr Srinivasan V P

Associate Professor Product Design, Optimization... View Profile

Dr Rajesh A

Associate Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Raja S

Associate Professor Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering... View Profile

Dr Samson Jerold Samuel C

Associate Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Jeyakumar R

Associate Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Rajendran Chinnasamy

Associate Professor Metallurgy and Materials Science, Materials Joinin... View Profile

Mr Balamurugan S

Assistant Professor Thermal, Alternative Fuel... View Profile

Dr Karthik S

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering... View Profile

Mr Ramachandran N

Assistant Professor IoT, Robotics... View Profile

Mr Dhiyaneswaran J

Assistant Professor Engineering Design, Lean Manufacturing,... View Profile

Mr Gunasekaran KN

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering... View Profile

Dr Sathishkumar A

Assistant Professor Metallurgical characterization and Testing... View Profile

Mr Siva Subramanian R

Assistant Professor Thermal, Solar , heat pipes... View Profile

Mr Veeramani M

Assistant Professor Solar Thermal Technologies ... View Profile

Dr Vigneshkumar M

Assistant Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Dr Ben Ruben R

Assistant Professor Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Supply Chain Manage... View Profile

Dr Arunbharathi R

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Science Chara... View Profile

Dr Yuvaraj KP

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering, Material Science... View Profile

Mr Arun Kumar R

Assistant Professor Engineering Design, Composite Materials... View Profile

Mr Balu Mahandiran S

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering... View Profile

Mr Babu N

Assistant Professor Composite materials... View Profile

Mr Baskaran J

Assistant Professor Manufacturing Engineering, Material Science... View Profile